Wednesday 27 June 2012

Apri Side Effects

side effects of apri
Like all medications apri also has side effects. It may be classified as less effective infrequent, less effective frequent, Effective but rare symptoms of Apri.  

Less Effective Frequent Side Effects:

Apri results with the less effective side effects like Breast Tenderness, Stomach Cramps, Visible Water Retention, Swelling of the Abdomen, Dizzy, feeling week, Acne, Breast Fullness due to Milk Production etc. These are the frequent side effects caused by apri.

Less Effective Infrequent Side effects of Apri:

Altered Interest in Having Sexual Intercourse, Weight Gain / loss, Migraine Headache, Sun-Sensitive Skin, Excessive Hairiness, Yeast Infection of Vagina and Vulva

Effective but rare effects of Apri oral:

Apri causes few rare side effects. They are Hepatitis, Obstruction of a Blood Vessel by a Blood Clot, Absence of Menstrual Periods, Breast Tumor, Liver Cancer, Change in Appetite, Liver Cancer, Benign Tumor of Liver Cells, Stroke, Heart Attack.

1 comment:

  1. Ive been taking Apri for just over two weeks and Ive had some horrible side effects so I want to get off it, do I just stop taking it? That makes sense to me but I dont know if its going to mess up my cycle really bad or anything? Should i wait till I'm done with the whole pack or can I stop now?? help if your can!

    One of my friend suggest me Yasmin should i goo with this

    any suggestion
